Reflection/Evaluation of the Cosmos Project
At the very beginning of the course, I was shy and quite confused overall. We started the project of the 'Cosmos' and quickly began looking at shape and shading, as well as drawing from p apier-mâché 'asteroids'. This was interesting as I had not used charcoal before, and we used quite a lot of it. The first piece of refined art that we created was with a partner, and we used charcoal on white cartridge paper to create a large asteroid. Doing this was fun and working with a partner helped because we both had different ideas to improve our asteroid; two different perspectives that worked well and I was proud of our outcome. We then completed our very first board, 'The Introduction to the Cosmos'. I think for my first board that I've ever created, it definitely could have been worse, but there was a lot I could have improved on. Everything seemed very unorganised, and there was pieces I could have taken off that didn't really need to be there, such a...